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Professor Arnett to Deliver Keynote at Languages Without Borders Conference

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
By Michael Bruckler

This Friday, October 23, Katy Arnett, professor of educational studies, is delivering the opening keynote for the (virtual) 2020 Languages Without Borders conference, a joint endeavor between the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers and the British Columbia Association of Teachers of Modern Languages.

October 20, 2020

Assistant Professor of French George MacLeod Published in Research in African Literatures Academic Journal

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
By Michael Bruckler

Research in African Literatures, a peer-reviewed academic journal, has published an article by Assistant Professor of French George MacLeod, titled “Jacqueline Kalimunda’s Interactive Love Stories: Transmedia Documentary in Present-Day Rwanda.” The article is part of a special journal issue entitled “African Audiences: Making Meaning Across Media.” It looks at

October 08, 2020

St. Mary’s College Theater, Film and Media Studies presents “She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms,” Directed by Mark A. Rhoda

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
By Michael Bruckler

Beginning on October 16, streaming on Vimeo: A three-episode, serialized performance of Qui Nguyen’s “She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms,” directed by

October 08, 2020

Professor José R. Ballesteros Named Director of Equity Programming in New IDE(A)2 Division

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
By Michael Bruckler

St. Mary’s College Professor of Spanish José R. Ballesteros has been named director of equity programming in the recently reimagined Office of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity now to be known as the Division of Inclusive Diversity, Equity, Access and Accountability (IDE(A)2.

October 07, 2020

Professor of Music Silberschlag to Present Recital and Master Class for International Trumpet Conference

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
By Michael Bruckler

St. Mary’s College Professor of Music Jeffrey Silberschlag has been invited to present a recital and master class during the international trumpet conference, The Brazilian Association of Trumpeters (ABT), November 3-8, in Brazil. The conference’s theme is “Integrating Knowledge with the Spirit of Cooperation and Solidarity.”

October 05, 2020

Professor Pam Mertz Elected as Chair of the ASBMB Student Chapters Steering Committee

Submitted by Pamela Mertz on
By Pamela Mertz

Pamela Mertz, professor of biochemistry, was elected to a three-year term as chair of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Student Chapters Steering Committee; a subcommittee of the ASBMB Educational and Professional Development Committee.  ASBMB Student Chapters is a national community of undergraduate students and faculty members promoting the advancement of biochemistry and molecular biology research, education, and science outreach.

October 05, 2020

Rose Young ’20 Authors Paper in The Physics Teacher, Drawing on St. Mary’s Project Research

Submitted by Joshua Grossman on
By Joshua Grossman

The Physics Teacher, an academic journal on teaching, has published an article by Rose Young ’20, titled "Parenting and Physics: How to Support Physics Students Who Are Raising Children." The article, based on Young’s St. Mary’s Project (SMP) research, was featured as part of the journal’s special collection on "Sex, Gender, and Physics Teaching." Her study addresses the obstacles and lack of support available in the U.S. for physics students who are also parents.

October 02, 2020

Professor of Music David Froom's Music Featured in Online Concert

Submitted by David Froom on
By David Froom

While the ongoing pandemic has closed concert halls throughout the world, performers and presenting organizations are finding creative ways to stay active. The California Music Center, home to the Klein International String Competition, is creating and posting "Klein@Home Hour" online programs that celebrate their competition laureates. Debuting this coming Sunday, Oct. 4, 5 p.m. PDT (8 p.m. EDT), is "New Works," which features their laureates performing music written by living composers for the competition.

October 01, 2020

Professor Jeff Eden Interviewed on the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
By Michael Bruckler

Jeff Eden, assistant professor of history, has been featured and interviewed in an article on G1 (Globo), Latin America's largest news service. The article features Eden's commentary on the crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed region in the South Caucasus where violence has flared this week. This region, which is claimed by Azerbaijan but governed by an Armenian-backed independent republic, is currently seeing its worst outbreak of fighting since 2016. With roots in the late Soviet period, the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis is often called "Europe's longest-running conflict."

September 28, 2020