Faculty and Staff Search

Diana Abdurakhmanova
Campus Staff Minister with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Bradley Adam
Assistant Varsity Sailing Coach

Anish Agashe
Assistant Professor of Physics
238, Schaefer Hall

Karen Leona Anderson
Professor of English | Director, VOICES Reading Series
Montgomery Hall 102d

Monica Armstrong
Office Associate II
Glendening Hall 150

Katy Arnett
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Calvert 104B

Robert Artiga-Valencia
Driver and Clerical Assistant to the President
Calvert 112

Jamie Athey
Senior Disbursement Accounting Supervisor
Glendening Hall
Peggy Aud
Director of Events and Conferences
Daugherty-Palmer Commons

Aileen M. Bailey
Professor of Psychology
Goodpaster Hall 102

Amy Baker
Coordinator of Accessibility Services
Glendening Hall, Room 254

José R. Ballesteros
Chair, Professor of International Languages and Cultures
Anne Arundel N222

Bhargavi Bandi
Director of Enrollment Operations
Admissions House

Jeffrey Barnes
Senior Database Administrator
Baltimore Hall

Betsy Barreto
Executive Assistant to the President
Calvert 115

Brian Bates II
Admission Counselor
Admission Office