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Garms and Goethel Present Research at Alaska Marine Science Symposium

Submitted by Lee Capristo on
By Lee Capristo

Sophia Garms, environmental studies major in the Class of 2023, presented her research "Investigating the critical thermal maximum of Pacific Arctic Bivalves" at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium in Anchorage, Alaska, from Jan. 23-27, 2023. Garms' research mentor, Marine Biology Visiting Assistant Professor Christina Goethel, also presented her research "Effects of temperature on sediment community oxygen consumption and individual respiration rates at a long-term mooring site as part of the US Synoptic Arctic Survey" at the same conference.

January 30, 2023

InsideSMCM for Parents and Families - January 26, 2023

Dear Parents & Families,

We trust your student had a wonderful holiday break and is re-energized for the spring semester. With this issue of the Parent & Family Newsletter, we’re introducing some new content in the hopes of better connecting you with the campus community. We include our first “Seahawk Spotlight” student profile and an update on a significant campus safety project. If you have any ideas for topics or features you’d like to see, please let us know at - we’d love your feedback!

Intercultural Sexual Intimacy and Mixed Marriages

Submitted by Betul Basaran on
By Betul Basaran

Professor Betül Başaran was invited to attend the international conference on the Balance of Justice in the Ottoman Empire, where she talked about her research on intercultural sexual intimacy and mixed marriages among foreigners and Ottoman women in the early modern era. Her paper entitled "Actors and Agents in Murky Legal Waters" emphasized women's agency in such relationships, and their ability to bargain with patriarchy to attain short-term advantages.

January 22, 2023