St. Mary’s College of Maryland Board of Trustees Reviews Progress on Strategic Planning and Other Initiatives
Professor Arnett Delivers Keynote Address to Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Inalienable Rights Panel Sparks Discussion
“Can the inalienable rights referenced by the fathers of the Constitution exist for all Americans in the 21st ce0ntury?” That was the question posed to a national media panel before more than 350 students, faculty & staff, and community members on Friday evening, October 7, 2022 in the Nancy R. and Norton T. Dodge Performing Arts Center auditorium.
Maria Hinojosa delivers inaugural Gwen Ifill Lecture
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Maria Hinojosa, anchor and executive producer of Latino USA and founder of Futuro Media Group, delivered the inaugural Gwen Ifill Lecture at St. Mary’s College of Maryland on Tuesday, October 4.
Prof. Başaran Attended Conference, Presented Paper in Belgium
Over the summer, Betül Başaran, professor of history and religious studies attended The First World War in the Middle East: Aftermath and Legacies conference in Ypres, Belgium over the summer where she presented a paper titled "Transnational Networks and Elite Women's Philanthropic Work after WW1: The Turkish Princesses of Hyderabad”