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Assistant Professor Agashe Publishes an Invited Article

Submitted by Anish Agashe on
August 30, 2024
By Anish Agashe
The effect of averaging on the expansion rate (Hubble parameter) of the universe.

Anish Agashe recently published a research article in the journal Universe in collaboration with his colleague at University of Texas at Dallas. The article deals with an unresolved problem in general relativity and cosmology called the averaging problem. General relativity is a theory of gravity in which gravitational effects are explained through the curvature of space-time. The article found that averaging over large portions could break down certain geometrical properties of the space-time. This could have repercussions in cosmology, e.g., in the context of Hubble tension

This article was an invited contribution to the topical collection, Modified Theories of Gravity and Cosmological Applications, and can be found here.

Anish Agashe is an assistant professor in the physics department. His research focuses on the mathematical foundations and structure of Einstein's theory of general relativity. 


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