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Associate Professor Ikizler Co-Authors Book Chapter

Submitted by Angela Draheim on
August 14, 2023
By Angela Draheim

Associate Professor of Psychology Ayse Ikizler '07 was recently published in "Biopsychosocial Perspectives on Arab Americans: Culture, Development, and Health 2nd ed. Edition" (Springer, 2023), edited by Sylvia Nassar, Kristine Ajrouch, Flora Dallo and Julie Hakim-Larson. Germin H. Awad, Ayse Ikizler and Amir H. Maghsoodi's chapter, titled "Stress and Health Among Arab/MENA Americans" synthesizes theoretical models and empirical research to summarize the state of the literature and offers recommendations for future directions. The chapter emphasizes the role of sociocultural stressors, identity, interactions between biological and psychological mechanisms, and mediators and moderators that help explain links between stress and health outcomes. Ikizler's previous research on discrimination and psychological distress represents one of the first peer-reviewed publications to explore some of these explanatory variables quantitatively in this population. 


