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Meghan Stevens '24 Earns Best Undergraduate Poster at National Conference

Submitted by Lee Capristo on
By Lee Capristo
Environmental studies and biology major Meghan Stevens ’24 presented her research, produced under the mentorship of Cassie Gurbisz, associate professor of marine science, at the Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation (CERF) conference held November 12-16 in Portland, Oregon.
December 21, 2023

Associate Professor Barrett Emerick Coauthors Book

Submitted by Chuck Steenburgh on
By Chuck Steenburgh
Barrett Emerick, associate professor and chair of the Department of Philosophy, is coauthor of the recently published book, "Not Giving Up on People: A Feminist Case for Prison Abolition." Emerick and coauthor Audrey Yap link feminist theory with real-world activism to advocate for systems focused on rehabilitation and restoration to the benefit of victims, perpetrators and society as a whole.
December 11, 2023

Professor of English Jennifer Cognard-Black Leads Master Class, Earns Fiction Award

Submitted by Lee Capristo on
By Lee Capristo

On November 10, Professor of English Jennifer Cognard-Black led a creative writing master class on microfictions as part of the annual National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) conference in Chicago, Illinois. She worked with honors students from Colorado, Missouri, Kentucky and Texas to draft, revise and present their original microfictions. Earlier this fall, Cognard-Black, under her pen name J.

November 27, 2023

InsideSMCM for Parents and Families - November 21, 2023

Dear Parents & Families,

As we enter this season of thanks (and giving) we have much big news to share about thanks (and giving), namely, the largest gift commitment in the College’s history and the biggest giving day of the year. We truly hope you and your students have a restful Thanksgiving break, wherever that may be.

Largest Gift Commitment in College History Announced

St. Mary’s College of Maryland Receives Largest Gift Commitment in College History

Submitted by Karen Raley on
By Karen Raley
Students at St. Mary’s College of Maryland (SMCM) for generations to come will be the beneficiaries of the largest gift commitment in the College’s history, announced today during a meeting of the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Foundation’s Board of Directors. To support the College’s $20 million Taking the LEAD Campaign, which was publicly launched on September 22, 2023, alumnus R. Scott Raspa, class of 1986, generously included the College in his estate plans. He and his spouse, John M. Staples, designated a total of $4 million between the endowment and the R. Scott Raspa and John M. Staples Scholarship Endowed Fund.
November 16, 2023