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Professor Betül Başaran Contributes to Latest Volume of Brill’s Companions to European History

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
September 21, 2021
By Michael Bruckler

Professor of History and Religious Studies Betül Başaran recently had a chapter published in the 26th volume of Brill’s Companions to European History, “A Companion to Early Modern Istanbul.”

Başaran’s chapter in the volume is entitled “Crime, Violence and Urban Policing” and emphasizes the notable impact that violence perpetrated by state authorities made on the lives of Istanbul’s inhabitants. She proposes that in examining the complex nature of the relationship between the Ottoman state and its subjects, scholars strive to be more intentional about recognizing traces of agency and resistance, as well as the networks that made resistance possible.

Başaran is among several contributors to this multidisciplinary volume that, according to publishing house Brill, is “the first collective effort to explore Istanbul, capital of the vast polyglot, multiethnic, and multireligious Ottoman empire and home to one of the world’s largest and most diverse urban populations, as an early modern metropolis.”

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