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Professor Williams Published in European Journal of Training and Development 

Submitted by Angela Draheim on
August 20, 2021
By Angela Draheim

Professor of Psychology Libby Nutt Williams, in collaboration with colleagues from James Madison University, the George Washington University, and Deakin University in Australia, published an article in the European Journal of Training and Development entitled "The Development and Practice of Authentic Leadership: A Cultural Lens."  The purpose of this empirical study was to explore the practice of authentic leadership and understand more about how it is cultivated and sustained. Interviewing an international sample of leaders, across multiple countries, allowed a comparison of leaders in the United States and those outside the United States, as well as a comparison of male and female leaders. The results of the analysis highlight the leaders’ beliefs, values and behaviors, their leadership development, and the barriers and supportive factors they experienced related to their leadership. This study provides insight and direction for individuals and organizations seeking to better understand the practice of authentic leadership, its development and how it can be sustained over time and across contexts and social identities.
