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VOICES Reading Thursday, January 30: SMCM Alumnus Joe Hall (DPC, 8:15 PM)

Daugherty-Palmer Commons (DPC)
Intended Audience
General public

Please join us for a poetry reading by Joe Hall, SMCM alumnus!

Thursday, January 30: Joe Hall (DPC, 8:15 PM)

Joe Hall is a writer, teacher, and researcher in Buffalo and Ithaca, New York. Joe has authored three collections of poetry: Someone’s Utopia, The Devotional Poems, and Pigafetta Is My Wife (Black Ocean 2013 & 2010). With Chad Hardy, he co-authored The Container Store Vols I & II (SpringGun 2012). With Cheryl Quimba, he co-authored May I Softly Walk (Poetry Crush 2014). With Ryan Kaveh Sheldon and Angela Veronica Wong, he participates in Hostile Books, a publishing collective dedicated to radical materiality. His poems have been translated into Dutch and he has done readings at universities, bars, squats and rivers in most of the 50 states as well as Canada and Washington, DC. Hall has taught community based creative writing workshops through the Worker Center in Buffalo and Just Buffalo Literary Center. Joyous Shrub 666, a 3 piece surf punk outfit, tolerates his bass playing.

VOICES gratefully acknowledges the support of Arts Alliance, the Lecture and Fine Arts Committee, the Department of History, and the Department of English.

Event Sponsor(s)
VOICES Reading Series
Karen Leona Anderson
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