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Transportation, Trails, and Community Design Policy for Health

Campus Center
Cole Cinema
Intended Audience
General public

The discussion will focus on how trails and walkable communities can be instrumental for improving public health, how policy can impact community wellness, and local action on the built environment. Panelists for this event include:

  • Fred Shaffer, Planning Coordinator, Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
  • Sue Veith, Urban and Environmental Planner, St. Mary’s County Department of Economic Development
  • Kwasi Bosompem, Senior Planner, St. Mary’s County Department of Land Use and Growth Management

This event is open to all students, faculty and staff, public health professionals, and community members who would like to learn more about this public health issue.

This event is jointly sponsored by the St. Mary's County Health Department and the St. Mary's College of Maryland Environmental Studies Department. 

Registration information
Event Sponsor(s)
St. Mary's County Health Department
Dr. Meena Brewster
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