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20th Anniversary of the Annual WGSX Colloquium

Campus Center
Cole Cinema
Intended Audience
General public

20th Anniversary of the Annual WGSX Colloquium

March 20-22, 2019

This year's theme: #MeToo


Wednesday, March 20, 2019, Cole Cinema


4:45 pm, Charlotte Clymer, Human Rights Campaign, "Visible but Unseen: Trans Bodies in the #MeToo Conversation"


8:00 pm, Susan Brison, Dartmouth College, "Why We Shouldn’t Call Rape ‘Sex Minus Consent"


Thursday, March 21, 2019, Cole Cinema 


4:15 pm, Ashwini Tambe, University of Maryland, "Sexual Ethics in Turbulent Times"


8:00 pm, The Klein Roundtable Event, Moderator: Janna Thompson, Educational Studies


20th Anniversary Celebration Event - Thursday, March 21, 5:30-7:30 pm, Upper Monty


Friday, March 22, 2019, 4:00-6:00pm, Location TBD

Assault Prevention Workshop for High School and College Students

With Hope Works and the SMCM Smarties

Event Sponsor(s)
WGSX Program
Libby Nutt Williams
(240) 895-4467
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