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St. Mary's County Online Comprehensive Planning Process

Intended Audience
General public

In October 2024, St. Mary’s County launched the project to update the Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Commissioners in 2010. We seek to establish a cohesive, countywide vision for future land use and an actionable strategy to achieve it, and we need your help!

We are asking all residents, property and business owners, and community partners to participate in this project by sharing your thoughts and future vision for St. Mary’s County.

Your information will become the foundation of our updated Comprehensive Plan, “St. Mary’s 2050: Charting Our Tomorrow.” This policy document will guide land use planning and public investment in the County for the next 25 years. If you participated in an in-person meeting, please do not participate in the online program. 

Event Sponsor(s)
Kelsey Bush
Courtney Jenkins
301.475.4200 ext. 71527
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