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Assistant Professor Freedman Interviewed by New York Times and and Published with an Alum in Journal

Submitted by Angela Draheim on
April 21, 2023
By Angela Draheim

Assistant Professor of Psychology Gili Freedman and colleagues (including Mason Drusano ’22) recently published an article entitled, '“Dear future woman of STEM”: Letters of advice from women in STEM’ in the International Journal of STEM Education.

In this open-access paper, researchers asked women who were juniors and seniors in STEM fields to write letters of advice to women starting their STEM college education. They analyzed the letters for themes and found that in addition to providing general academic advice, the letter writers provided advice about forming communities, seeking family support, and finding women role models. Letter writers also gave general words of encouragement and reassurances that struggles are common and instances of failure do not mean that an individual is a failure.

Freedman was also recently interviewed for a New York Times article entitled “What to Do If a Friend Ghosts You.”


