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Workers by Day / Musicians by Night

St. Mary's Hall
Intended Audience
General public

Ever wonder what the hardworking SMCM staff & faculty do on their own time? Many of us play music, usually in the privacy of our own homes.

But for one night only, we'll be...

Workers by Day, Musicians by Night.

Come hear a professor who normally calibrates chemistry equipment play the clarinet, two mathematicians switch from tangents to the tango, and a staff member trade in her computer keyboard for a Steinway. Adding to the fun will be the amazing duo of Ganz & Gantz - that's Brian on piano and Katie emceeing the event.

Tuesday, October 2

8 p.m.

Auerbach Auditorium of St. Mary's Hall

Event Sponsor(s)
MathCS Dept.
Dave Kung
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