Dear Parents & Families,
Hopefully, your students are safely home and enjoying the holidays with you! We hope that those students who have other plans for part or all of the break are settled into those as well.
Among those who have obligations over the break are our student-athletes, and for those parents and families in particular we have some helpful thoughts from the Office of Student Success Services (OS3) in this issue. We also have some helpful dates to be aware of as we head into the new year and new semester. Finally, we include some holiday wishes from President Tuajuanda C. Jordan in this year’s holiday video - do you spot your student?
Supporting your college student-athlete
Now that your student has advanced to college-level athletics, they need different things from you than when they were home and competing nearby. Below is a list of thought-provoking ideas for you to consider in your new relationship with your college student-athlete. Enjoy!
- It’s “student-athlete.” Your student may need your support to keep the ‘student’ part first. We all know that teams and athletics are very important, but sometimes students need a gentle reminder!
- Establish healthy boundaries: At the collegiate level, student-athletes will be seen as and treated as independent adults by faculty, staff and coaches. The campus is a perfect (and safe place) for your student to advocate for themself with their professors, roommates, teammates and friends!
- Don't hover: Respect your athlete's academic and athletic space, and respect their talented coaches.
- Come, cheer, and support your student! They still love to see you supporting them as they’re competing.
- At the end of their season, students suddenly have a lot of free time without practices, meetings and competitions. Without being scheduled, they might need some help with time management. They can see someone in the Office of Student Success Services (OS3) who can help them make a new schedule.
- Help your student to balance their out-of-competition semester (if they have one!).
- Encourage your student to meet with their academic adviser at least twice a semester! The adviser is there for much more than course selection. Think internships, professional career positions and graduate schools.
OS3 is always ready to support and help your student-athlete. Go Seahawks!