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Primary Election Candidate Forum

Intended Audience
General public
The Center for the Study of Democracy is co-sponsoring three Primary Election Candidate Forums on June 15, 22, and 29.  The forums will all be held at the Lexington Park Library.  A meet-and-greet will occur from 5:00-5:30 pm and each forum will begin at 5:30 pm. June 15 will feature primary candidates for:  Clerk of the Circuit Court, Judge of the Orphans' Court, State's Attorney and Sheriff. June 22 will feature primary candidates for:  Board of Education District 1, Delegate 29B, Commissioner District 3 and Delegate 29C. June 29 will feature primary candidates for:  Commissioner District 1, Commissioner District 2, Commissioner District 4 and Commissioner President. Watch parties will be held at the Leonardtown and Charlotte Hall Libraries. The forums are also co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of St. Mary's County, the St. Mary's County Chapter of the NAACP--#7025 and the St. Mary's County Library.
Event Sponsor(s)
Center for the Study of Democracy
Antonio Ugues Jr.
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