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Supporting Your Student During Finals Webinar

Intended Audience
Parents of Admitted Students

The Office of Student Success Services (OS3) at St. Mary’s College of Maryland invites you to a short webinar, “Supporting Your Student During Finals.”  This webinar is on Tuesday, December 7, at 7:00 p.m. Executive Director of Student Success Kathy Langan Pusecker will facilitate along with Associate Dean for Retention & Student Success, Joanne Goldwater.

By attending this webinar, you will learn how to better communicate with your college student, express your care and concern, and help your student manage their stress better to be successful on their exams.

You will also be able to ask questions of the professional staff. 

Here is the Zoom information:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 894 7964 0713

Passcode: 46xl9qk3


Event Sponsor(s)
Office of Student Success Services (OS3)
Kathy L. Pusecker
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