- April 19, 2021 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m. + Google Calendar
"Cache Me If You Can: Media Manipulation in Practice" lecture by Dr. Joan Donovan
Intended Audience
Kickoff event for the Media Literacy, Civic Engagement and Democracy Project, sponsored by the Center for the Study of Democracy and the Library, Archives & Media Center.
Dr. Joan Donovan’s lecture will cover the media manipulation lifecycle, from the origins of a disinformation campaign and how it’s seeded across the web to its amplification, mitigation, and adaptation. She will demonstrate how this lifecycle plays out using case studies from The Media Manipulation Casebook. After dissecting discrete disinformation campaigns, Dr. Donovan will discuss their implications and what’s needed to combat media manipulation.
Dr. Joan Donovan is the research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy and leads The Technology and Social Change Project, which explores how media manipulation is a means to control public conversation, derail democracy, and disrupt society. Her research and teaching interests focus on media manipulation and the effects of disinformation campaigns.
Registration information
This is a virtual event. Please register at: http://bit.ly/drjoandonovan