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The VOICES Reading Series presents José Torres-Tama, in collaboration with International Languages and Cultures

Intended Audience
General public

Ecuadorian-born immigrant, José Torres-Tama is a performance and visual artist, published poet and playwright, cultural activist and director of ArteFuturo Productions in New Orleans. His radical Taco Truck Theater ensemble project on wheels exploring the anti-immigrant hysteria received a prestigious MAPFUND grant, and he is an NEA award-recipient for his performance and installation work. "Aliens, Immigrants & Other Evildoers" is his critically acclaimed sci-fi Latino noir performance solo that has sold out a two hundred-seat theater at University, and theaters in Los Angeles, Houston, Minneapolis, and New Vanderbilt Orleans. From 2006 to 2011, he contributed post-Katrina commentaries that aired on NPR's Latino USA. Northwestern University Press published the full performance script of his Aliens solo in a 2019 anthology titled "Encuentro: New Latinx Performances for the American Theater." Diálogos Books New Orleans published "Immigrant Dreams & Alien Nightmares," a debut poetry collection of 25 years of socially conscious verse.

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Event Sponsor(s)
VOICES Reading Series
Karen Leona Anderson
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