Professors of Physics Charles Adler and Professor of Art Carrie Patterson will present individually during the TEDxGreatMills free virtual event entitled EMERGE! on September 18, 2021, along with Professor Emeritus of English Michael Glaser and SMCM Alumna Rie Moore ’19. Nine speakers will present talks from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. followed by a round table discussion at the end.
To register for this free event and more information, please visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tedxgreatmills-2021-registration-163746009723
According to Executive Director for TEDxGreatMills Christine L. Bergmark, the talks are designed to “rebuild, reconnect, and reframe our future in our next TEDxGreatMills entitled “EMERGE! Our amazing speakers will inspire ideas of resilience, compassion, innovation, and hope for the future. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a huge economic toll on our community, which is why this year our team decided to offer tickets at no cost once again, and all donations are gratefully accepted.”
SMCM presenters and topics are as follows:
- Professor of Physics Charles Adler: “Why Science Fiction and Fantasy are Important for your Life”
- Professor of Art Carrie Patterson: “Site Unseen”
- Professor Emeritus of English Michael Glaser: “What We Might Learn in the Aftermath of the Pandemic: A New Normal”
- Alumna Rie Moore ’19: “More Than Music: A New Approach to Concert Programming”
Additional speakers include:
- Sybol Cook Anderson: “May We Rise Up and Do Better: The Power of Self-Forming Teams”
- Teja Koduru: “How We’re Using AI to Augment the Abilities of Humans”
- Nathan LaBorie: “All of Life is Music”
- Sydney Mitchell: “What Does the Internet Have in Common with the Forest?”
- Jay Rohlfing: “Mise en Place. How a Mantra at the Heart of Professional Kitchens can Navigate a Path to Success!”
This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.
For more information on TEDxGreatMills, please visit the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TEDxGreatMills or their website at https://www.tedxgreatmills.com/.