Professor of History Christine Adams is Podcast Guest

Submitted by Lee Capristo on April 12, 2024 - 11:40 am
April 12, 2024
By Lee Capristo

St. Mary’s College of Maryland Professor of History Christine Adams, with her academic colleague and sibling Tracy Adams (University of Auckland, New Zealand), was a guest of the Paris Underground Radio podcast, “Navigating the French.” The pair discussed, in episode 67 (released March 24), the evolution of the word “favorite” in the context of historical French royal court mistresses. The Adams’ are co-authors of “The Creation of the French Royal Mistress: From Agnès Sorel to Madame Du Barry" (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2020).

Christine Adams was a 2020–2021 fellow with the American Council of Learned Societies and a 2021 Andrew W. Mellon fellow at the Newberry Library in Chicago, Illinois. Her current book project is titled “The Merveilleuses and their Impact on the French Social Imaginary, 1794-1799 and Beyond."


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