Asst. Professor Daniel Tobiansky Lends His Expertise on Woodpecker Head Banging to Scientific American

Submitted by Daniel Tobiansky on July 14, 2022 - 2:23 pm
July 14, 2022
By Daniel Tobiansky

Assistant Professor of Neurobiology Daniel Tobiansky was quoted in Scientific American about a paper recently published in Current Biology called "Woodpeckers minimize cranial absorption of shocks" by Van Wassenbergh et al. as a scientist not involved in the publication. The author of the popular science magazine article quotes Tobiansky discussing the novelty and significance of the findings along with a discussion of what new questions this paper raises. Tobiansky is currently exploring how woodpeckers avoid injury from repeated subconcussive collisions at St. Mary's College and is looking for undergraduate researchers to help. 

The Scientific American article,"Head-Banging Woodpeckers Could Give Themselves a Concussion Every Day: Here’s How They Avoid It" was released on July 14. To read the article go to…


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