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Sci-Fi Authors' Panel to Feature Local and Best-Selling Authors

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
January 29, 2020
By Michael Bruckler

Following the successful celebration of Professor Thomas M. Barrett marking the opening of the St. Mary’s College of Maryland Archives and Boyden Gallery exhibition, “Robots, Rayguns, and Alternate Views of Reality: Experiencing Art Through the Sci-Fi Paperback Collection in the SMCM Archives," The Boyden Gallery is pleased to announce a sci-fi authors' panel is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 6 from 8 - 9:30 p.m. The panel will be held in Upper Montgomery Hall Commons adjacent to the Boyden Gallery. 


Moderated by Colby Nelson, St. Mary’s College lecturer of English, the Sci-Fi Authors' Panel will feature the following authors:

  • John G. Hemry (writing as Jack Campbell), author of the New York Times best-selling Lost Fleet series as well as the Lost Stars and Genesis Fleet series, and the Steampunk with Dragons series “The Pillars of Reality.”


  • Keith Backhaus ’04, founder of the independent Empty City Press and author of “A Still Pool,” “A Fitting Epilogue,” “I, Dagger,” and “Empire of Ghosts Vol. 1 (Precursors).”


  • Monica Louzon ’12, writer of the science fiction story “San Cibernético,” the poem “Reflections in Space,” the essay “Mara Jade, Frontier Woman,” editor of the anthology “Catalysts, Explorers & Secret Keepers: Women of Science Fiction,” and founder of MOSF Journal of Science Fiction.


  • F.J. Talley, author of the The Flight of the Raven series, the Stephanie Hart novels, and director of SMCM's DeSousa-Brent Scholars Program.


The panel is co-sponsored by the St. Mary’s College Library, Archives, and Media Center. For more information, contact Boyden Gallery Director Erin Peters at or
