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St. Mary’s College Chemistry and Biochemistry Professors’ and Students’ Research Published in the Journal of Chemical Education

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
August 16, 2019
By Michael Bruckler

Kelly Neiles, associate professor of chemistry, Geoffrey Bowers, assistant professor of chemistry, Daniel Chase, assistant professor of chemistry, Amanda VerMeulen, research & instruction librarian, Douglas Hovland, chemistry lab coordinator, Andrew Koch, professor of chemistry, and former student Elan Bresslour-Rashap have published a paper in the Journal of Chemical Education. Alumni Leslie Malick ’17 and Meredith McKissick ’17 also assisted in compiling background research and collecting student learning data in the laboratories described.


“Teaching Collaborations and Scientific Practices through a Vertically Scaffolded Biodiesel Laboratory Experience” focuses on guiding students to become practicing scientists by teaching them the specialized ways of collaborating, writing, and thinking that scientists utilize every day. This laboratory experience is one of the first of its kind in its vertical scaffolding between courses within the chemistry and biochemistry major including both introductory (general and organic chemistry) and upper division courses (physical chemistry). The biodiesel laboratory experience described in the paper connects previously published biodiesel exercises in an intentionally scaffolded experience that models for students the types of collaboration and communication skills they will need if they choose to enter a STEM profession.


The full paper can be found here:




Nov. 10, 2022