Malisch Published in “Physiological and Biochemical Zoology”

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on June 11, 2018 - 4:24 pm
June 11, 2018
By Michael Bruckler

Jessica Malisch, assistant professor of biology, recently had an article accepted by the journal “Physiological and Biochemical Zoology” and it is published online at:

Although the acute response to stress is predicted to elevate blood glucose levels, field endocrinology studies rarely test this outcome. Malisch used human blood glucose meters to determine if white-crowned sparrows in Tioga Pass Meadow, Calif., and white-throated sparrows on the campus of St. Mary's College of Maryland increase blood glucose levels in response to capture and handling. The tests verified that acute stress does elevate blood glucose in both species. Presumably, glucose mobilization facilitates survival of acute stressors.

The work was a collaborative effort that included Malisch as the principle investigator, three SMCM biology undergraduate coauthors, Brad Davidson '17, Elizabeth Wenker '17, and Renee Suzich '20, as well as an independent researcher and a former Malisch Lab member from the Claremont Colleges.


