Voter Registration Drive October 17

Mon, Oct 17 2022, 11:30am - 1pm
+ Google Calendar
Campus Center
Upper Hallway
Intended Audience
Admitted Students
Parents of Admitted Students
General public

The Center for the Study of Democracy will conduct a voter registration drive on Monday, October 17 from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM outside of the Great Room in the Campus Center.   If you are not registered to vote, you can do so on Monday.  The state's deadline is Tuesday, October 18 for the 2022 general election. 

In compliance with the Help American Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA), a new voter registration applicant must provide his or her driver's license number or MVA identification card number or, if the applicant does not have a driver's license number, the last four digits of his or her social security number.

Please feel free to contact the Center for the Study of Democracy at x4215 or by email at if you have any questions.

Event Sponsor(s)
Center for the Study of Democracy
Kathy Grimes