Natural Science & Mathematics Colloquium, Sep. 18

Wed, Sep 18 2024, 4:45 - 6pm
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Intended Audience
General public
Schaefer Hall
Room 106

Natural Science and Mathematics Colloquium

The Mathematics of Secrets

Adriana Salerno, PhD
Bates College
Professor of Mathematics

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Schaefer Hall 106 – 4:45 pm

Information permeates our lives. We send texts, shop online, pay bills, type emails, and store pictures and medical data in “the cloud”. Hidden from view is the mathematics needed to make information transfer efficient and secure. This talk will give an overview of the history and the evolution of coding (turning information into numbers) and encryption (securing the information), from ancient times to the modern era, and we will look at how mathematics is the key to it all. 

This event is free and open to the public. It is meant for a general audience. If you are an instructor, please announce it to your students.         
