Intended Audience
Alexis Nutini '00 Artist Talk: Wednesday, Jan. 22, 4:45 - 5:45 p.m. in the Glendening Annex.
Alexis Nutini (b. Mexico City, Mexico; l. Philadelphia, PA) received a BA from St. Mary’s College of Maryland, majoring in art, and an MFA in printmaking from the Tyler School of Art & Architecture, Temple University, Philadelphia. Nutini runs Dos Tres Press, where he publishes his own prints and develops collaborative projects with other artists. The focus of Dos Tres Press is experimentation with relief techniques through hand-carved, reduction woodblock printing combined with the digital technology of a CNC router. Nutini was the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship in Barcelona, Spain and has exhibited his work at venues in Los Angeles; Manhattan, Kansas; Nashville, Tennessee; Philadelphia; Pittsburgh; Seattle; and St. Mary's City; as well as in Barcelona, Spain; Brisbane and Melbourne, both Australia; Rome, Italy; and Veracruz, Mexico.