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25th Annual WGSX Colloquium - Margaret Brent Lecture and Award Ceremony, March 20

Nancy R. and Norton T. Dodge Performing Arts Center
Recital Hall
Intended Audience
General public

Margaret Brent Lecture and Award Ceremony

Autumn Brown

"Already Free: The Courage and Joy of Fugitive Practice"

What if a vibrant, multiracial movement for justice is within our grasp? What practices make it possible for us to not only build this movement, but to be its courageous membership? In this lecture, Autumn Brown will illuminate a pathway to cultivate mutual resilience in our organizing and community work, so that we can more effectively resist the ideology of racial capitalism and racial practice. From her depthful study of fugitivity, Brown will offer a set of practices for moving in formation, sustaining human connection as we navigate a time of rapid change, and most importantly, refusing the politics of despair. 

Event Sponsor(s)
Betül Başaran
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