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Neuroscience Seminar Series: Dr. Birdie Shirtcliff

Virtual Via Zoom (access details below)
Intended Audience
General public

Title of talk: "Understanding the stress of growing up for adolescents and what hormones have to do with it"

The neuroscience program welcomes Dr. Elizabeth "Birdie" Shirtcliff as a speaker in the AY2022-23 Neuroscience Seminar Series. Fall seminars will be virtual and spring seminars will be held in-person. In this talk, Dr. Shirtcliff will share insights about adolescent development and how their development is shaped by stress and stress hormones. Dr. Shirtcliff is a research professor in the Center for Translational Neuroscience at the University of Oregon and the incoming editor-in-chief of psychoneuroendocrinology. Her work uses noninvasive biomarkers to understand how contextual environmental factors can “get under the skin” to shape development. Dr. Shirtcliff is the mother of two human kids and two goat kids.

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Meeting ID: 875 4270 7593

Passcode: NeuroSem

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Free and open to the public.

This event may be used to satisfy the Lecture Reflection Requirement in PSYC206 and PSYC493/494

Event Sponsor(s)
Neuroscience Program
Dr. Torry Dennis
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