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The VOICES Reading Series Presents Fifty Years of Poetry at St. Mary’s College of Maryland

Intended Audience
General public

Thursday, April 1: Fifty Years of Poetry at St. Mary’s College of Maryland 8:15 p.m. by Zoom

Fifty Years of Poetry at St. Mary’s College of Maryland (hosted by Professor Emeritus Michael Glaser)

Josiah Royce wrote: “If you cannot find the beloved community, create it”: for over 50 years, writers at St. Mary’s College have been reading, studying, creating, exploring, and sharing. Their work and passions have developed into a culture and community at the College that engages in examining, through the arts, what it means to be human.

This event will celebrate some of the stories about the importance of such a culture that are newly published in the anthology "A Community of VOICES." Featured poets will be Judith Hall, Grace Cavalieri, Kaia Sand, Michael Glaser and Karen Anderson, among others.


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Event Sponsor(s)
VOICES Reading Series
Karen Leona Anderson
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