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WGSX Colloquium 2021 Speaker Series Activism Now: Building Feminist Futures Presents Noorjahan Akbar

Zoom Meeting
Intended Audience
General public

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

8:00-9:15 p.m. Zoom Meeting

Noorjahan Akbar, Free Women Writers

“Global Solidarity to Dismantle Global Patriarchy” 

Drawing on her own experiences as an activist, during this talk Noorjahan will discuss some of the common threads that define patriarchy around the world and how solidarity among women and our allies can help dismantle it.

Noorjahan Akbar is an outspoken women's rights advocate and author from Afghanistan. She has worked with several Afghan and global organizations focusing on women’s empowerment and ending gender-based violence and led nation-wide campaigns and protests in defense of human rights. She currently runs Free Women Writers, a collective of activists and writers in Afghanistan and the diaspora advocating for gender equality and social justice.

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Meeting ID: 980 1465 0557

Passcode: 471138


Event Sponsor(s)
WGSX Program and Lecture and Fine Arts Committee
Betűl Başaran
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