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Neuroscience Seminar Series: Dr. Carlos Mejias-Aponte

Virtual Via Zoom (access details below)
Intended Audience
General public

The Neuroscience Program welcomes Dr. Carlos Mejias-Aponte, staff scientist in the histology core of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, who will give the fourth lecture in its 2020-2021 seminar series. 

"Mapping Brain Circuits"

Under different circumstances, the brain regions are activated or deactivated. This can lead to different emotional states and behavioral responses. System neuroscience is a branch of neuroscience that focuses its efforts to understand how these brain regions are interactive as a circuit and understand the underpinnings of its biology. The seminar will present research on the discovering of a previously unknown cell type and how its activation evokes a negative emotional state.  

Zoom Meeting Link

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Event Sponsor(s)
Neuroscience Program
Dr. Torry Dennis
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