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Neuroscience Seminar Series: Dr. Melvin Rouse

Virtual Lecture -Access Details Below
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General public

The Neuroscience Program welcomes Dr. Melvin Rouse, assistant professor of psychology at University of Puget Sound, who will give the second lecture in its 2020-2021 seminar series: 

"Critical periods: hormones, the gut, and reproductive behavior"

Reproduction and reproductive behaviors are controlled by a wide range of hormones and other chemical signals. These molecules impact everything from courtship to mating to parenting. However, most investigations of the control of these behaviors focus on hormones, so in response, we asked how do novel sources of neural control, such as the gut microbiome, impact reproductive behavior, in particular parenting behavior and reproductive success? 

Using songbirds as a model system, Dr. Rouse's research looks at how hormones, the brain, and reproductive behavior interact. Studies from Dr. Rouses lab demonstrate the influence of the endocrine system on brain plasticity, learning, and social behavior.

This event may be used to satisfy the Lecture Reflection Requirement in PSYC206, PSYC303, PSYC490, & PSYC493/494


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Event Sponsor(s)
Dr. Torry Dennis
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