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Neuroscience Seminar Series: Dr. Karina Alviña

Virtual Lecture - details below
Intended Audience
General public

The Neuroscience Program welcomes Dr. Karina Alviña, research assistant professor in the Department of Neuroscience at University of Florida, who will give the first lecture in its 2020-2021 seminar series: 

"The exercise-derived myokine Irisin as a stress resilience molecule and potential neurodegeneration counteracting agent"

Irisin is a recently discovered myokine that is released to the bloodstream during exercise and it is primarily known for its role in thermogenesis and browning of adipose tissue. Recent findings have shown that Irisin can also activate a BDNF-mediated seemingly neuroprotective gene program in the mouse hippocampus. Taking this into consideration we recently showed that Irisin directly injected into the hippocampus of adult mice has robust anti-stress properties, particularly in male mice. Our results support Irisin as a promising exercise-induced muscle-derived protein that could help in ameliorating stress consequences and could also be involved in neurodegenerative disorders. 



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This event may be used to satisfy the Lecture Reflection Requirement in PSYC206, PSYC303, PSYC490, & PSYC493/494

Event Sponsor(s)
Dr. Torry Dennis
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