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Opening Reception and Celebration of "Robots, Rayguns, and Alternate Views of Reality: Experiencing Art Through the Sci-Fi Paperback Collection in the SMCM Archives."

Boyden Gallery
Montgomery Hall
Intended Audience
General public

Please join us for a reception and celebration of SMCM Professor Thomas M. Barrett to mark the opening of the SMCM Archives and Boyden Gallery exhibition, “Robots, Rayguns, and Alternate Views of Reality: Experiencing Art Through the Sci-Fi Paperback Collection in the SMCM Archives.”

In showcasing the extraordinary collection of sci-fi novels donated to the College Archives by the family of beloved History Professor Thomas M. Barrett, visitors are invited to experience numerous artforms like literature, film, music, and cover art paintings and design. Exploration of these artforms will lead to the stories of Tom Barrett as a collector and the rise of the paperbacks in the 1950-70s for the sci-fi genre. 

Thursday January 23 from 5-6:30 p.m.

Celebratory remarks begin at 5:30 p.m.

Speakers include Kent Randell, College archivist; Carrie Patterson, professor of art; Joe Lucchesi, professor of art history; and history alumnus Ben Israel '14.

The reception and celebration are co-sponsored by the Department of History at SMCM. 

The exhibition is on view from January 21 - March 7, 2020.

Boyden Gallery is located on the 2nd floor of Montgomery Hall on the SMCM campus. The reception and celebration will take place in the Gallery and adjoining space in Montgomery Hall.

Event Sponsor(s)
Boyden Gallery and Department of History at SMCM
Gallery Director Erin Peters
(240) 895-4246
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