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TFMS Film Series returns, with Anishinaabe filmmaker Lisa Jackson, October 15

Campus Center
Cole Cinema
Intended Audience
General public

With the participation of Anishinaabe filmmaker Lisa Jackson (animator/live-action, Canada), who shall lead the post-screening Q&A, the program of short films will include animation and live-action experimental & fiction filmmaking. Films to be screened: Suckerfish, Savage, Snare [Jackson]; Mia, Flood, Indigo [Amanda Strong, Michif, Canada]; Mobilize, Ikwe, Creatura Dada [Caroline Monnet, Algonquin, Canada]; Kat waj [Teresa Jiménez, Ladino, Guatemala]; The Maxakali Flood [Isael Maxacali & Charles Bicalho [Maxakali, Brazil]; The Way is Long [Edgar Sajcabún, Guatemala]; and Doña Ubenza [Juan Manuel Costa, Argentina].

Check out the TFMS website for detailed information about the program, including biographies of filmmakers and descriptions of their films:…

Event Sponsor(s)
Department of Theater, Film, and Media Studies
Mark Rhoda
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