Finding Yourself at SMCM with Troy Moss '19

Class of 2019 Bachelor of Arts in English
Baltimore, MD.

"Everything that has made my life complicated has made it more interesting."

Troy Moss sitting on campus

Troy Moss '19 works to create an open and welcoming environment for her fellow classmates through her love of dance. Since Moss arrived at SMCM, she has been involved with the Dance Club as a dancer and choreographer. Before coming to college, Moss worked as a sailing instructor, giving lessons to those who would not normally have the opportunity to sail, such as minorities and people with disabilities. She originally planned on pursuing the Master of Arts in Teaching program, but soon came to realize she did not like the constraints of a classroom. 

"Dance Club lets people know you in a personal way that they do not know you from class," Moss stated. "It gets you involved in the community in a way that you meet other students outside of class that are also interested in dance." Through her involvement with Dance Club, Moss has used her love of dance to create as safe space for students to express themselves and promote body positivity. In her senior year at SMCM, Moss is working to complete her CORE requirements for graduation, backwards from most students who start with those. She will be spending the spring 2020 semester abroad at James Cook University in Australia. She noted, "everything that has made my life complicated has made it more interesting."