
My name is Jada Ward and I am a student at St. Mary's College of Maryland. On March 29, 2019 from 4-7pm, I will be hosting an invisible disability awareness event in which I hope to raise awareness of invisible disabilities, give students a chance to relax, have fun, and celebrate themselves in regards to their illnesses. My vision for the event is to have a segment where students can share their stories but all in all I want it to be similar to a really fun health fair. There will be a series of tables and workshops with different activities to get tips on how to deal with their illnesses and to also embrace their illnesses as they are a part of our lives. The different workshops will include, art therapy, yoga, laughter yoga, reading tips, physical therapy, massages, and activities to better understand learning disabilities. Aside from the workshops, there will also be a moon bounce, games, and food. This event is open to the entire campus and as such, all students are welcome to participate in all of the activities. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions at I hope to see you all there! =)