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Professor Arnett Delivers Keynote Address to Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages

Submitted by Chuck Steenburgh on
October 17, 2022
By Chuck Steenburgh

Professor & Chair of Educational Studies Katy Arnett was the keynote speaker for the fall conference of the Delaware Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (DECTFL) on Friday, Oct. 14, 2022 in Newark, Delaware. Her keynote was entitled: "From Deficit to Barriers to Opportunities: Transforming What it Means to be an Inclusive Language Educator."

A former high school French teacher, Professor Arnett's teaching and research interests in inclusive teaching practices and methods within second language classrooms began as an undergraduate student and has expanded in recent years to consider how newcomer students navigate the process of developing English within the content classroom. Professor Arnett has written or co-authored several books focused on inclusive education within language learning settings.  In 2018 she co-authored Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners.

DECTFL is a non-profit organization committed to fostering unity among World Language teachers and to improve and promote the teaching of World Languages at all levels in the State of Delaware.


Sept. 27, 2024