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Professor Mertz Served as a Facilitator for BioMolViz Workshop

Submitted by Pamela Mertz on
June 24, 2021
By Pamela Mertz

Professor of Biochemistry Pamela Mertz helped lead a virtual three-day workshop on June 15th, 17th, and 22nd for BioMolViz, an NSF funded project (RCN-UBE #1920270) that focuses on developing high-quality biomolecular visualization assessments for instructors to use in their classrooms.   The workshop utilized the BioMolViz Framework to have participants work in teams to produce assessments that address specific learning objectives to evaluate students’ visual literacy.  Mertz was also recently named a BioMolViz Fellow in recognition of her work on assessments over the past four months that helped advance the project during a critical time.

More info about BioMolViz can be found here: