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Knowledge Base




General Website FAQs 


  • Can we use tags to pull data to other pages?
    • That is something we can look into in the future.


  • What happens to E-Daily news?
    • E-Daily News will be removed.


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Event FAQs



  • What do I do when there is a non-college event?
    • It will get reviewed before it goes up, but it has to be college-related. (we may decline the event if it’s not not approved but you will get an email either way). Please Review External Speaker Guidelines ».


  • What about sub-events? Like Hawktober Mini-Events?
    • For now, make sub events within the main event and list it on the description section in the Event Form.


  • How long will it take for events to be approved?


  • Do Events Expire?
    • Yes, events can expire when the date in the "Event End" section has passed.


  • Is a fundraiser considered an event?
    • Yes. Submit that as an Event and it will be reviewed as normal.


  • Does the “Add to Calendar” button links to my personal calendar?
    • Once you’ve logged in the appropriate login, Yes.


  • As a Student can we delete/edit an event or announcement?
    • We will need to go through a notification process. Approver will have to decline/cancel the event.


  • What about cancelled events?
    • If you’re a Faculty or Staff member, Delete the event manually in the event edit page when you click on the event you wish to delete. If you’re a Student, Student Activities are able to delete student events.


  • What about specific events by other departments?
    • There will be an approver role for each department who handles events for the department.


  • Can we separate events by topic/tag? Track by specific departments?
    • Not currently, we want to show events in a focused format in the newsletter, but we have events that can be filtered in our new events site.


  • Will this replace old events and is it only for on-campus events?
    • Yes this will replace our current event submission system. 


  • Can I submit an event weekly?
    • This functionality is currently being looked into. You can submit the event again in the meantime.


  • Is there a limit to events one can send?
    • No limit but it will only be sent out when the newsletter is sent.


  • For student clubs is there a deadline to get an event approved?


  • Can we send an event AND an announcement about the same event?
    • Yes. However, it will be shown in the today/tomorrow events section on the dashboard for the day on and the day before the event. The event will still be within the Event Archives for direct links to the event.


  • Will this system have a block against spam?
    • Not currently. We don’t have a limit of announcement and event submissions, however you can always submit feedback if you a suggestion we can keep improving this system. Also, You can always comment if you wish to provide feedback on a specific event.


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  • If this launches will we be forced to not use gmail?
    • That is not up to us, we will do our best to keep them informed so they use this on their own accord. Emergency emails from public safety will still use the current gmail notification system.


  • How do we login to InsideSMCM?
    • Use your google login account when you Log in.



  • What qualifies as an announcement or an event?
    • Anytime you email all groups, make that an announcement. For example: call for auditions, volunteers.


  • Who receives the “All employees” Audience option in Announcements?
    • Our newsletter will send all employees to all staff and all faculty members.


  • Will the categories be linked to the main site?
    • This is a feature that we can look into.


  • Do Announcements and Events expire?
    • Yes they expire. They can be set through the time and expiration date settings on the forms.


  • Can we edit other people’s announcement/event/news?
    • You can only edit your own content in the "Edit" tab on the top of the published Announcement, Event, and news.


  • Are we allowed to create our own events/announcements?
    • Yes, each person can create their own announcement or event, but events and student announcements has to go through the review process.


  • Who decides on what's the promo?
    • Mike Bruckler, Assistant Vice President of Integrated Marketing and Strategic Communications.


  • Will there be options to resize the image for news?
    • We have image settings that auto-sizes images that best fits the news format.


  • Does news belong on deptartment pages?
    • No, the news will be kept on the news section of the site.


  • Will these announcements and events go on the calendar?
    • This feature will be implemented Post-Launch.


  • How will Historic St Mary’s City employees use this?
    • Only authorized employees and students who have an email account can use the features of the site.


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Newsletter and Email FAQs


Please be sure to review the Email Policy »

  • How often will the newsletters be sent out?
    • The newsletter will be delivered to your email inbox twice a day: One at 7AM and One at 2PM.


  • Can we change the newsletter time?
    • The newsletter schedule has been finalized: 7AM for the morning newsletter and 2PM for the afternoon newsletter.


  • Will “All” gmail emails go away?
    • Yes, on July 1st, 2018. Review Email Policy » but there are certain email groups that can still send campus-wide emails.


    • The only emails that will continue to use the “All emails” are:


1. Presidential-level communications.

2. Campus-wide alerts about threats to public safety, service interruptions, cybersecurity intrusions, and the like.

3. Administrative communications at the VP level about policy, governance, or business practices.

4. Messages from the president, vice presidents, and the Office of Communications summarizing news relevant to the campus community.

5. The Office of Communications summarizing upcoming events and news relevant to the campus community.


  • Can alums access this as well? If they have an email?
    • Most likely not, because Alumni have their own newsletter they send twice a month, it would be too much if its sent twice a day. Another factor is the email group that are in (set up by IT).  They could log-in the site but they will not be able to add content.


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Announcement FAQs


  • Can I add hyperlinks to Announcements?


  • Can I add an image to announcements?
    • No, events can have images because they go into “moderation” or an approval process.



  • Can staff message faculty?


  • Is there a way for students to message staff and faculty through announcements?
    • They will have to ask an advisor to get their message out. Students must go through the appropriate channels. No direct student-staff and student-faculty interaction through this system. Review External Speaker Guidelines ».


  • Do Announcements expire?


  • Can I see Staff announcements if I’m Faculty when I need to see both?
    • Your role will be tied to your google group that is assigned when you are hired. For example, if you classify as both Staff and Faculty then you will see Staff and Faculty Announcements.


  • Do Emeriti get Announcements? If they are not on the google list, they won’t see it? (For example, if it says “All Employees” will emeriti also get announcements?
    • This depends on if the emeriti are on the IT’s email “group” (Faculty or Staff) list.


  • Is there a character limit on the Announcement main description?
    • No, but the summary section will have a character limit of 300 characters.


  • What sort of format should the Announcement summary be in?
    • The summary is a short blurb of the announcement content.  Keep it simple and to the point in the "Summary" section in the Announcement form.


  • For announcements can I see my expired announcements?
    • We have an “unpublished/archive” page where you can view past events.


  • Can we send an event AND an announcement about the same event?
    • Yes. However, it will be shown in the today/tomorrow events section on the dashboard for the day off and the day before the event. The event will still be within the archives for direct links to the event.


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Comment System FAQs


  • How can Staff and Faculty view and create comments?
    • Staff and Faculty members can create comments on the bottom of published Events, Comments, and Announcements. All comments require an google login. Staff and Faculty members can see and create comments.


  • Can Students create or see comments?
    • Students cannot see or create comments.


  • Will the comment section send a reply directly to the content originator? Will it show up on the newsletter?
    • No it will send it to the announcements/event/news page and it’s just on that page. Comments are not shown in the newsletter.


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News Post FAQs


  • What happens when I submit a news article or post?
    • When a news post is made, the content is put into a “Pending Approval” option.


  • What happens when a news post is sent?
    • Michael Bruckler (Assistant Vice President of Integrated Marketing and Strategic Communications) and Gretchen Phillips (Communications Specialist) will approve the post and ensure images are compliant. Once this is done then the post will be published.



  • We can put images in news?
    • Yes you can by going to the News Post Form and clicking on the "Choose File" button under "Featured Image".


  • Can we also share general news and stories?
    • Yes, you can add stories and accomplishments from SMCM staff, faculty, and students (for example, a promotion for an alum).


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