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Arnett Offers Teachers Steps to Make Space in their Classrooms for All Learners

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
March 28, 2018
By Michael Bruckler

Katy Arnett, professor of educational studies, recently gave the opening keynote address for the 2018 Spring Conference of the Ontario Modern Languages Teachers’ Association themed “Many Voices, Many Stories.” Drawing on the conference’s theme, Arnett’s address, “Making the Space for All Voices and All Stories,” offered teachers three concrete, and research-based, steps to take to "make the space" in their classrooms for all of their learners. Using an interactive app that allowed for audience participation, the 450 attendees explored how experiences shape belief systems, how belief systems shape actions and interactions in the classroom, and how teacher actions in the classroom can better foster student autonomy; these three steps support increased inclusivity in the language classroom. To see activity from attendees during the address, visit Arnett’s Twitter profile @KatyArnett.


Sept. 27, 2024