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St. Mary’s College of Maryland Board of Trustees Approves FY21 Budget and Return to On-Campus Work Policy

Submitted by Michael Bruckler on
July 29, 2020
By Michael Bruckler

St. Mary’s College of Maryland Board of Trustees met Tuesday, July 28, to approve the FY21 operating budget, among other action items. 

Reopening SMCM: The St. Mary’s Way

On the recommendation of President Tuajuanda C. Jordan, the Board approved reopening for the 2020-21 academic year as a residential campus with appropriate safety and public health precautions designed to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The plan, called Reopening SMCM: The St. Mary’s Way, is based on best practices that de-densifies the campus; educates the campus community about coronavirus, COVID-19 proper hygiene and public health guidelines; educates and enhances cleaning and sanitation of facilities; and requires mask wearing and social distancing throughout the entire campus at all times, among other safeguards.

Fiscal Year 2021 Operating Budget

The Fiscal Year 2021 operating budget was approved by the Board on the recommendation of the Finance, Investment and Audit Committee. The proposed FY21 operating budget totaled $66.3 million in revenue and $70.3 million in projected expense. State funds total $28.4 million; however, the College was informed that its general fund grant would be reduced by $2.1 million due to the pandemic impact on the State budget for FY21. While this shows a $3.9 million deficit for the year, a contingency carried forward from FY20 is available that will be used to mitigate this projected deficit.   

The budget is based in part on a recently completed student survey, with a >90% response rate, in which students indicated whether they planned to return to campus, receive remote instruction, or defer attendance for the fall semester. These results indicated a projected total student full-time enrollment of 1,392 students. Tuition rates for both in-state and out-of-state students stayed flat for FY21, as did all auxiliary and fee expenses.

Return to On-Campus Work Policy

The Board also approved the College’s Return to On-Campus Work Policy on the recommendation of the Finance, Investment, and Audit Committee.

This policy applies to all faculty, staff, and student employees who return to work physically on campus or are planning to do so. The policy is subject to change with the introduction of additional public health guidelines from local, state, and federal authorities. It is expected that this policy, or subsequent versions of it, will be in force through at least the Fall 2020 Semester but may be modified and/or extended at any time. 

Read the Return to On-Campus Work policy, along with updates on the College's reopening.


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