Pamela Mertz, professor of biochemistry, was a co-author on 4 posters presented at Discover BMB in San Antonio. She presented with two faculty from other institutions on “Lessons Learned from the First Implementation of Malate Dehydrogenase CUREs in Biochemistry, Biology, and Chemistry Lab Courses.” Two other posters were on assessment of biomolecular visualization, “Validation of Biomolecular Visualization Assessments through Large Scale Field Testing and Student Focus Groups” and “A Tale of Two Perspectives: Comparing Student and Faculty Perceptions of Biomolecular Visualization Assessments;” and a fourth poster was “Building a Network of Undergraduate Students and Educators through ASBMB Student Chapters.”
In addition, Mertz was an invited panelist on an academic career panel for graduate students and postdocs. She also helped facilitate two workshops at the conference, one on the work of BioMolViz and another on the use of virtual and augmented reality in the classroom. Mertz also presented the work of the committee she chairs, Student Chapters, at the ASBMB Council meeting, and she served as a judge for the undergraduate poster competition.