Alumni, students and community members got their hands dirty on Sunday, April 2, in the name of the St. Mary’s Way, as the College’s Alumni Association kicked off its annual Bay to Bay Service Days.
Since 2017, supporters across the country have volunteered to give back to their local communities during the month of April - National Volunteer Month. SMCM alumni in states stretching across the country use this month to organize projects or collaborate with local groups in their communities.
On the St. Mary’s College campus, alumni and current students organized three projects: dog toy making using old T-shirts to support the Linda L. Kelley Animal Shelter in Calvert County; clean up and other duties at the Kate Chandler Campus Community Farm; and oyster cage-making in support of the St. Mary’s River Watershed Association. SMCM President Tuajuanda C. Jordan, PhD, helped send off the campus volunteers and looked in on their projects.
Alumni and students organized a fourth project that took place off-campus at Historic Sotterley in Hollywood, MD. Here, volunteers supported a clean-up of the colonial revival gardens.
There is still plenty of time to register for regional group projects or complete an individual act of service this month.
Bay to Bay Service Days is open to alumni, students, faculty/staff, families, friends - anyone who wants to share the St. Mary's Way in their neighborhood.