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Professor King and Adjunct Instructor Strickland Published in Journal

Submitted by Gretchen Phillips on
February 21, 2023
By Gretchen Phillips

Professor of Anthropology Julia King and Adjunct Instructor of anthropology Scott Strickland ’08 along with Chief Anne Richardson of the Rappahannock Tribe were published in the January edition of The William and Mary Quarterly. 

In the article, “Rappahannock Oral Tradition, John Smith’s Map of Virginia, and Political Authority in the Algonquian Chesapeake,”  the authors write “The right of Indigenous people, including the Rappahannocks, to narrate their history is, at its core, about tribal sovereignty. The work undertaken as part of this project contributes, we hope, to historical understandings of the Indigenous Rappahannock River valley and the greater region of which the river valley was a part. We also hope our mixed-methods and mixed-materials approach, including the use of spatial mapping and modeling, resonates with other researchers exploring topics for which traditional archival material may not be best suited.
