For the past fifteen years, Washington Monthly College Guide has ranked colleges “based on what they do for the country.” In the rankings released yesterday, St. Mary’s College of Maryland is ranked 29 among the top Liberal Arts Colleges in the United States.
St. Mary’s College, the National Public Honors College, is also ranked 106 out of 397 colleges in the northeast who offer the Best Bang for the Buck. The guide describes this ranking as “the schools where students of modest means get the most for their money.”
Washington Monthly rates schools on three equally weighted criteria: social mobility, research, and community and national service. According to the guide, “This means that top-ranked colleges needed to be excellent across the full breadth of our measures, rather than excelling in just one measure.”
For the Best Bang for the Buck ranking, Washington Monthly “used a college’s graduation rate over eight years for all students instead of the first-time, full-time graduation rate that is typically used but which presents an incomplete picture of a college’s success.”
St. Mary’s College was also recently recognized in the 2021 Fiske Guide to Colleges, The Princeton Review’s “Best 386 Colleges” Guide for 2021, and Money’s “Best Colleges for Your Money,” and was named a 2020-21 College of Distinction.