
- Research can only move forward as a function of student participation! As such, researchers (including your peers) will be forever grateful to you!
- For every study you complete, you can choose to be entered in a raffle to win one of eight prizes ranging $50 - $75!
- It's fun!
It’s easy! Throughout the academic year, the Psychology Research Participant Pool Manager, Angie Draheim, will send recruitment notices to all students. Most will be for online surveys and provide a direct link for raffle students. Others may request interview participants or have a signup of times & locations for students to attend an in-person lab or virtual (Zoom) study. These recruitment messages are not spam. You may unsubscribe for the online study notices if desired easily by selecting a link within the notice; before doing so though, please consider just deleting those individual recruitment emails about online opportunities that you aren't interested in or aren't eligible for. If you don't want to do the lab or hybrid study advertised (fyi: those types of requests are infrequent), please just delete the related email (it only takes a moment) or email to be removed from the distribution list (there might be a future study that does interest you though).
You will earn one or more raffle entries/online study and three or more raffle entries/lab study. [#entries dependent on study length]
Please note:
1) Some studies have eligibility requirements (e.g., LGBTQ+ only, females only, varsity athletes, etc.). Please make sure you meet the requirements before you complete the study. You must be 18 or older to participate in research studies.
2) Students in eligible psyc classes may complete these announced studies for course or extra credit IF and ONLY IF they sign up for the online study’s timeslot using the SonaSystems website BEFORE completing the survey. One cannot earn a raffle entry if they are eligible to earn credit.
3) Not all psychology studies offer this incentive, but most do.
*<a href="">Icon by Miftakhul Rizky</a>